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Ker was painted at Lammas 2007
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Ker is placed on the Wheel of Britannia at Lammas in the south west. This is a time of tribal gathering, celebration and feasting, a time of marriages and contracts between the tribes. It is the time of harvesting the seeds that sparked into life at Imbolc, a time of wonderful abundance, as the crops stand high in the fields, sacred to Ker, Great Grain Mother, worshipped by the race of Kersair. We are filled with gratitude for the gift of the grain, given to us eight thousand years ago. We remember how it transformed the lives of our ancestors. At this time we honour all mothers, sharing Kers loving karuna, for she holds such a special place in our hearts.

In this painting She sits, in the brilliant sunshine, in a crop circle. One of the magical, mysterious signs of Her deep need to communicate with us. She is full, ripe and wonderfully pregnant, everything about Her oozes abundance. Her hair is golden, thick and luxuriant, her skin glows, Her breasts are eager to nourish, and Her swollen belly places Her on the threshold of birth. A two year old Roe Stag protects Her, and Her sacred white hind, as two fawns suckle and nestle in the poppy smattered grain. Behind Her lies Silbury Hill, the powerful symbol of the Mother in the sacred landscape of Avebury. And a crop circle formed just before Lammas 2007 is visible in a distant field.

Ker’s animals are the horned ones, the deer, the cows, goats, sheep and songthrush. Her tree is the Ash and her symbols the loom and shuttle. Her colour is yellow.

Ker, Great Mother, Lady of Abundance, Prosperity and Loving Kindness welove we honour you.